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  • Thursday, April 24, 2025
  • 7:00 AM
  • Saturday, April 26, 2025
  • 12:00 PM
  • Nashville, TN


  • A Product Theater is an ultimate opportunity to deliver your product information and education to TNNPA attendees.

    A speaker from your speaker bureau will deliver an educational presentation on your product or services.

    Format Options: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner

    Product Theater Benefits

    Presentations scheduled as unopposed sessions
    One hour of podium time
    Additional sign-in/registration time
    Listing of Product Theater session on conference agenda (online and on-site)
    Complimentary exhibit space
    Food and beverage provided
    Logistics support
    An electronic file of conference attendees

    Please stipulate Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
  • Gold Sponsor - Booth, full-page, color ad in the conference brochure; company name and logo on the sponsor's list; plus, you provide conference sports bottles or t-shirt and marketing materials that will be provided to each conference attendee.
  • Silver Corporate Sponsor – Booth, a full-page, color ad in the conference program; company name and logo in sponsor's list; plus, you provide conference stress ball or key chains and marketing materials that will be provided to each conference attendee.
  • Full Page Color & Booth: $1000
    Advertisement-Half-page Color Only: $550
    Half-Page Black and white & Booth: $750
    Ad Half-Page Black and white Only:$450

    Advertisements for the conference program must include the company name and logo on the sponsor's list and samples or marketing material for the attendees' conference bag (the size of which will be approved by the TNNPA conference committee).
  • A tabletop exhibit is $1000 (NO EXCEPTIONS). You will receive one 6’ draped table, wastebasket, two chairs, and access to an electrical outlet.
  • Sole Proprietors: Authors, candles, jewelry, and etc
  • Colleges/Universities
  • Public access + from Sunday, April 24, 2025 through Saturday, April 26, 2025 (26 days before the start of the event)
  • Half-Page Black and white & Booth: $750 Ad Half-Page Black and white Only:$450 Advertisement for the conference program
  • Half-Page Black and white Only:$450 Advertisement for the conference program
  • Half-page Color Only: $550 Half-Page Black and white & Booth: $750 Ad Half-Page Black and white Only:$450 Advertisement for the conference program
  • A Product Theater is an ultimate opportunity to deliver your product information and education to TNNPA attendees.

    A speaker from your speaker bureau will deliver an educational presentation on your product or services.

    Format Options: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

    Product Theater Benefits

    Presentations scheduled as unopposed sessions
    Meeting space provided Audio/visual set-up and staff.
    One hour of podium time
    Additional sign-in/registration time
    Listing of Product Theater session on conference agenda (online and on-site)
    Complimentary exhibit space
    Food and beverage provided
    Logistics support
    An electronic file of conference attendees


Sponsorship/Vendor Opportunities


TNNPA Statewide Conference •April 24-26, 2025 


The Vendor's hall will feature companies providing education and information on products and services used in patient care or for operating a professional healthcare practice. 

Who Should Exhibit at the Conference:

Any company or organization looking to target the nurse practitioner & physician assistant marketplace through product demonstrations, building brand image, develop new contacts and recruit from the brightest and the most highly credentialed nurse practitioners & PAs in the country.

Associations (Medical) 

(1) Behavioral Health

(2) Consumer Goods (jewelry, travel, etc.)

(3) Education/Research Programs

(4) Government Agencies 

(5) Hospitals/Medical Centers

(6) Information Technology 

(7) Insurance/Financial Investments

(8) Laboratory/Pharmaceutical 

.(9) Medical Equipment/Supplies

(10) Nursing Homes

.(11) Nutrition/Food

(12) Publishers 

(13) Pharmaceuticals

(14) Recruitment/Personnel

(15) Skin Care/Personal Care

(16) State Nurses Associations 

(17) Uniforms/Shoes/Clothing

(18) Universities/Colleges/Schools

(19) Wound Care

Vendor Set-up Time April 24, 2025 after 6 a.m. NO EXCEPTIONS

  • Standard Booth/Tabletop: $1000
  • Sole Proprietor Exhibit: $500
  • College/University Booth:  $500
  • 6-foot skirted table with two chairs; Waste basket; and (2) chairs

Platinum Corporate Sponsor Booth, Full Front Page Color Page - Conference Bags $3000

Includes a full-page, color ad in the conference brochure; company name and logo on the sponsor's list; plus, you provide conference bags and your company's marketing materials that will be provided to each conference attendee.

Gold Corporate Sponsor – Booth, Full Page Color Back  $2500

Includes a full-page, color ad in the conference brochure; company name and logo on the sponsor's list.  You may provide conference sport bottles or t-shirt and marketing materials that will be distributed to each conference attendee.

Silver Corporate Sponsor – Booth, Full Page Black & White, $1500

Includes a full-page, color ad in conference program; company name and logo in sponsor's list; plus. You provide conference pens or key chains and marketing materials that will be provided to each conference attendee.

Full Page: (Color advertisement & booth) $1000 

(Half-page color advertisement only) $450

Full page ad in program; black and white ad in conference program; company name and logo in sponsors list; plus, you provide samples or marketing material that will be placed into each attendee’s conference bag (size to be approved by TNNPA conference committee).

Half-Page: (Black & White advertisement & booth) $350 

(Half-page advertisement only) $250

Half-page ad in program; black and white ad in conference program; company name and logo in sponsors list; plus, you provide samples or marketing material that will be placed into each attendee’s conference bag (size to be approved by TNNPA conference committee).


    A Product Theater is the ultimate opportunity to deliver your product information and education to TNNPA attendees. 

    A speaker from your speaker bureau will deliver an educational presentation on your product or services. 

    Format Options: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner 

    Product Theater Benefits 

    • Presentations scheduled as unopposed sessions
    • Meeting space provided Audio/visual set-up and staff
    • One hour of podium time
    • Additional sign-in/registration time
    • Listing of Product Theater session on conference agenda (online and on-site)
    • 50% discount on exhibit space
    • Logistics support
    • Electronic file of conference attendees one day after the conference
    • *Production cost not included

    • Exhibitor-sponsored box lunch: $6,500 each (3 available)*
      •  Thursday (4/24/2025) 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
      •  Friday (4/25/2025) 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 
      •  Saturday (4/26/2025) 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 

      *Production cost not included

    • Continental breakfast: $4,000 each (3 available)*
      •  Thursday (4/24/2025) 7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. 
      •  Friday (4/25/2025) 7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. 
      •  Saturday (4/26/2025) 7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. 

      *Production cost not included

    • Conference Bag Sponsorship*
      •  Your logo along with TN Nurse Practitioner Association. logo on conference bag +$1,000.00

      *Production cost not included

    • Morning Coffee/Tea Service: $3,000 (3 available)*
      •  Thursday (4/24/2025) 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 
      •  Friday (4/25/2025) 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 
      •  Saturday (4/26/2025) 9:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 

      *Production cost not included

    • Afternoon snack break: $3,000 each (3 available)
      •  Thursday (4/24/2025) 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. 
      •  Friday (4/25/2025) 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. 
      •  Saturday (4/26/2025) 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

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    Tennessee Nurse Practitioner Association 

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